Looking to customize and tweak your performance? You've come to the right place!
The app is Rwilco12's Android Repository. It is the mobile companion app to my website, www.rwilco12.com.
My site is home to several hundred GB of files relating to several Samsung devices (particularly the Sprint S2, S3 and Note 2). I host the single largest collection of kernels, modems and stock ROM's for all of these devices. I also host all of the files released by Sextape and Garwynn. My website has always worked great but one of the biggest complaints I get is that my site isn't optimized for use on mobile devices. This app fixes that!
Currently the app will allow you to navigate the file browser portion of the site and allow you to download the files you are needing for your device directly to it. I plan to add several more features in the future (see below).
Currently the app does contain ads to help cover the bandwidth costs. If you use an ad blocker please consider allowing ads. The revenue generated from ads on the site and in the app allow us to continue offering our services to all those who use them.
Ad Free Pro Version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rwilco12.androidrepoPro
Future Enhancements:
- Preferred Device setting.
- Ability to set download location.
- Ability to boot directly to recovery and flash downloaded items.
- New file notifications.
- In app tutorials (currently they are just on the site).
- Lots more!
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