Add / Query / Delete / Update values of your shared prefs or databases easily!
* ROOT required *
* busybox required *
Debug your SQLite Databases.
Debug your Shared Preferences.
Try to hack your own app via changing settings.
Browse all your installed apps, see every setting-file, the app uses.
Browse, inspect and debug SQLite databases and shared preferences files.
Kill the app, quick uninstall the app, or even quick clear the files.
Start viewing the content of the file / database simply by clicking the button with the given filename.
Shared Preferences:
Easily change the values of the shared prefs.
NOTE: all values are typesafe!
Delete a preference entry, simply by using the "swipe to dismiss" pattern.
Or delete the whole shared prefs file.
SQLite Databases:
Raw query the SQLite databases (eg SQL statement over several tables)
Long click the table / index / trigger / view to see the create statement
Edit / Delete / Copy a row simply by selecting the desired row and use the actionbar options (menu options)
- supports multiple delete rows (by long click)
Add a new row from scratch.
NOTE: all values are typesafe!
Select columns you want to see.
Create a custom order.
Used Permissions:
check license via Google Licensing:
* android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
* android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER
Differences Pro - Lite:
- Kill app
- Clear data
- Quick uninstall
- Delete shared preferences file
- Save changes to shared preferences
- Delete SQLite database file
- Raw query databases
- Show SQL create statement of the table / index / trigger / view
- Edit / add / copy / delete a table row
fixed several force closes:
* open database (on restore of the activity)
* out of memory in the start activity (app icons)
* reading from the database
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