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Poker Games-Laying Out Seven

1. Everyone has 13 poker cards. The spades 7 first out. After that, it can be any of the remaining '7'. When '7' appear then '6' or '8' can be play out, and so on.

2. The aim is all the cards play out. When it's your turn and you without a card to play out then cover a card, the fewer cover points is the better. Poker card 'A' is one point, and '2' is 2 points, etc. So such as 'K' is 13 points.

3. Play the game till all the cards play out or cover finished. Cover-card for the negative points, and all done player get the points of the other player's cover-card. If all the poker cards are play out, everyone get +364 points. If no one finished, the player with the least points of cover-card doesn't get penalty points.

4. When player has up to +1000 points or more, the game ends and the player wins; less than -1000 lose the game, the game is over re-start again. The 3 androids are covered less than -1000 points then player wins; if 3 androids are more than + 1000 points, the player lose the game!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.7

Last updated on Apr 24, 2019 v1.7 Target SDK 26
v1.6 Support for newer versions of Android OS and Google Play

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