Business Support System
Mobile application for the system, software for easy and efficient business.
Thanks to this mobile application, you will always have an overview of what and when needs to be done and see the state of things. Simply enter a new task or comment on an existing one. View a customer detail or inventory items. Your customers can easily report their problems to you, see who is working on the issue, and watch the current state.
Start using STARTBSS and gain perfect control, overview, and automation of your business's everyday agenda. It is easy to use and takes half the time. Plan a new project from an order, assign people, and when it's finished, easily send an invoice. You manage your employees, partners, and customers - anytime, anywhere.
STARTBSS gives you:
1. Prospects and Customers (CRM)
2. Tasks Management, Work reports, Project Management
3. Billing, Invoicing, Payments, EET
4. Ticket Management (Selfcare for your customers)
5. Inventory and Resource Management
6. Mobile print of receipts
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