Easily create your own HD stop-motion videos, animations, and claymations!
Create stopmotion videos, animations, and claymations! Just setup your scene, shoot a frame, adjust and repeat. Once you're done this app will automatically string together all the frames into a .mov movie that you can export to your Gallery or play in VLC.
Note: This is the Lite version, which only supports the lowest resolution. For higher quality, consider purchasing the full version of Stop-Motion.
Feature highlights:
* Grid Overlay
* Onionskin Overlay
* Local playback
* Export to Gallery (Available on devices running Android 4.0 or newer)
* Upload to YouTube (Exported videos can be uploaded from the video Gallery)
Permissions Explained:
* Camera - for taking pictures.
* Internet & Network State - for displaying ads. We recommend the full version for an ad-free experience.
* Wake Lock - To keep the screen on while taking pictures.
* Storage - for saving your Stop-Motion videos to your external storage (SD card)
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