Write colorful notes & memos with rich styles and organize with custom notebooks
Write colorful notes with rich styles, post memos with semi-transparent widgets, organize with custom notebooks
Key Features:
- Powerful note editor with rich text formatting styles (bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough)
- Highly customizable note text sizes and colors
- Semi-transparent memo widgets for putting your notes on your homescreen
- Sync and backup with cloud storage using your own Dropbox account (free and optional; StyleNote does not depend on any online service)
- Bullet-point list / todo-list / checklist support
- Flow view of all your notes: an overview of all notes in one place - more than just a list of note titles (optional)
- Note organization with custom notebooks / folders
- Custom-scope note search
- Optional date/time display
- Custom note ordering (you can move any note up / down and have your own ordering of notes)
- Automatic note sorting by note title, last modified time, or creation time
- Easy note sharing / sending
- Password lock for your private notebooks
- Automatic regular backup for your important notebooks
If you need help with StyleNote, you can check the FAQ and ask questions in our user forums. You are also welcome to suggest new features and talk about anything there:
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