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Fast, fun and you can play with friends! Real-time online multiplayer Sudoku!

Online multiplayer Sudoku! Fast, fun and you can play it with your friends! Sudoku like you NEVER tried it before.

Sudoku and Friends has two modes of playing online real-time multiplayer and traditional single player mode with 5 difficulty levels.


In multiplayer mode you play against another person in real-time, the player that has the most points when the Sudoku is filled wins! The rules:

• Placing a correct digit on the board gives you one point

• If you try to place an incorrect digit your opponent gets one point!

• If both players place the correct digit at the same cell at the same time both players get one point

oh... and you only have 60 seconds to find a correct digit! Watch the yellow bar above the Sudoku board, it shows how much time you have left. After 30 seconds a correct digit is placed on the board and the point goes to your opponent!

Clicking the Play button will match you against a random player. To challenge friends you need to be logged in - click the Login at the bottom of the screen. Login with your Facebook or UXvibe account. Now you can click the Challenge friend icon on the start screen. If you are logged in you can also challenge opponents for U-coins - you can use your U-coins across all games that support UXvibe logins.


The single player mode gives a choice of 5 different difficulty levels, start on easy and work your way to the INSANE level.

Only the easy level is unlocked at start, to unlock the next level you need to need to light one light bulb, do this by finishing 5 sudokus successfully!

Sudoku and Friends was developed by http://fulafisken.se in cooperation http://www.uxvibe.com - The Casual Multiplayer platform.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.2

Last updated on Dec 16, 2015 Version 1.1.2
• Improve account creation UI
The text fields were hidden by the keyboard
• Bugfix: app sometimes crashed when initializing the board
• Bugfix: Challenging an opponent by typing the player name didn't work

Version 1.1.1
• Improve Facebook integration
• Fix bug in multiplayer mode
Using touch to place digit instead of drag could
allow wrong digits to be placed
• The dialog UI now looks nicer
• Minor fixes to animations

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