Summoner lookup, ingame tracker, news and champion guides for League of Legends™
Get real-time summoner statistics, match information and a champion database for the popular MOBA League of Legends™.
This app is your best source if you want to look up a summoner's match history, statistics and rank! Analyze your own gameplay or track your opponents to climb the ladder and reach master tier. Want to learn a new champion or find the newest guides? Summoner's Companion for LoL also includes a champion and item encyclopedia with builds,counterpicks and tips to crush your opponents.
* Match history, ranked statistics and detailed information about every summoner
* Real-time ingame tracker: Spy your enemies!
* Free to play rotation, news and sales (notifications and widgets included)
* Champion guides and counterpicks
* Encyclopedia with all champs, items and reforged runes
Supported regions: NA, EUW, EUNE, BR, RU, TR, LAS, LAN, OC, KR and JP
This product is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Riot Games, Inc.™ or any of its affiliates.
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