My name is Kobus Galloway and I have been drawing for 21 years of my life.
My name is Kobus Galloway and I have been drawing for 21 years of my life. Welcome to the Idees Vol Vrees App! I hope you enjoy my humour and comics. This app include a shop that sell books, competition, social media, fan photos and contact info. My naam is Kobus Galloway en ek teken al vir die laaste 21 jaar van my lewe. Welkom by die Idees Vol Vrees App!
Ek hoop jy geniet my humor en spotprente!
Hierdie App bied die volgende:
* Winkel: koop sommer jou boeke
* การแข่งขัน
* Social Media
* ons nuwe videos!
* Stuur jou idees
* Fan Fotos
* Dankie aan ons Borg
* Kontak ons