Through the game, you can learn the multiplication tables happily!!!
▷ 2.6 version news!
- Last 7 Days Rank, Last 30 Days Rank added
▷ 2.5 version news!
- 12 times table and 19 times table were added!!!
▷ 2.0 version news!
- Items are added! Bonus Item, Hint Item, Time Item. Have fun~~^^
▷ 1.6 version news!
Select mode has changed very easily. Please try again ~ ~ ^ ^
▷ 1.5 version news!
- The selection mode has been added.
- In selection mode, you select the answer without having to type the answer.
▷ description
- Through the game, you can learn the multiplication tables(times table) happily.
- You can compete ability of multiplication tables against people all over the world.
- There are two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, two-five, six-nine, two-nine levels.
- Through RANK Menu, you can see the rank of people all over the world and you can see the rank of yourself.
- Through MY SCORES Menu, you can manage your multiplication tables skills. you can see scores, right answer, wrong answer, date.
- Through Setting Menu, you can change your name for rank.
- Whenever you want, you can pause and restart.
- Incoming phone, game automatically pause and restart.
- Scores
Scores = Scores + continual right answer number * 100
Scores = Scores - continual wrong answer number * 100
- Last 7 Days Rank, Last 30 Days Rank added
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