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Tracker gives you access to the latest technology at the touch of a button.

Tracker brings you the latest technology that enables you to keep in touch with your vehicle through Tracker Mobile. Life has just become easier for you! You no longer have to be at your PC to access many of the amazing features that Tracker offers it's SkyTrax customers.

With Tracker Mobile:

You can instantly locate your vehicle from your phone, see it on a street map or an elegant combination of street and satellite maps.

Find out what is the current status of your vehilce: stopped, moving, speed, which road it is positioned on, and even the odometer reading.

You have a logbook that has the ability to capture both business and private mileage.

You can capture all your vehicle related expenses directly on the application.

You can quickly locate your vehicle in busy areas such as parking lots.

You can locate and follow vehicles that are loaded in your profile.

You do not have to remember Tracker’s telephone number in an emergency, just flick a button in your App, and we will be on the other side to answer your call.

If you are a subscriber to our roadside and medical assistance product, just flick the button, and we will answer your call and assist you.

You do not have to wait until you get to the office to get that report you look at every morning, just request it from your phone and it will be delivered to your e-mail.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.32.130

Last updated on Aug 5, 2015 Updated Map Interface

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