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  • Transliterate !

    Transliterate !

    8 1.0 2024-12-23
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Transliterate ! Type in English. Convert the text to any one of 18 languages.

Transliterate! is a free tool for transliteration of 18 widely spoken languages. Using the Transliterate app, you can type text in English and convert the text into your language. And share the transliterated text through Email,Chat, Social Media and SMS.

The following are the languages supported:

1. Amharic 2. Arabic 3. Chinese 4. Bengali 5.Greek 6. Hindi 7. Kannada 8. Malayalam 9. Marathi. 10. Nepali 11. Persian 12. Russian 13. Sanskrit 14. Serbian 15. Tamil 16. Telugu 17. Tigrinya 18. Urdu

There is no greater joy in the world than in sharing our thoughts and feelings in our mother tongue. But, the device keyboard is not of great help in doing this.

Transliterate app comes to your rescue and helps you to communicate with your world in your language.

----Just choose the language and type your text in English in the text area using the keyboard of your device.

----After entering your text, press Space Bar. If you are not sure about the converted text, look for the suggestions

that appear in the drop down.

----The text, transliterated, appears on the text area.

----Share the converted text through Email, Chat, Social Media, or SMS.

----Transliterate! is easy to use and meant for using when connected to the web.

ATTRIBUTION: This app is based on the transliterator codes and APIs of Google™ and that is why you see the logo 'powered by Google' in the app. Google™ is not associated with this product or with the developer in any way. Neither Google™ nor this developer is responsible or liable for any errors, if any, that may appear in the transliteration process. All we, developers, want to do is to help people express better in their language tapping the great potential of the Google™ Transliterate APIs.


There is a difference between Translation and Transliteration.

In Translation, the meaning of one language is reproduced in a grammatic manner in another language.

In Transliteration, the text of one language is reproduced literally in the same way in another language.

Please post your positive reviews in Google Play and send your critical views to me by mail.

Happy Transliterating !

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