
Legendary Treasure Island for ZX spectrum



An exciting game based upon the classic adventure by Robert Louis Stevenson,

using the memorable screens from the original story as a backdrop for

arcade style action.

This exciting game is based upon the classic adventure by Robert Louis


First Jim Hawkins must avoid Blind Pew to board the good ship Hispaniola.

Then he has to avoid capture having heard the crew's mutinous plans. Once

these challenges have been overcome the main game can be played on Treasure

Island itself.

The quest for the treasure starts at the stockade which the adventurers have

built on the island. Then whilst tackling the evil murderous pirates Jim must

find Ben Gunn's cave. The chase and search takes place upon an attractive

'Treasure Map' which is displayed on screen in sections. There are a total of

sixty-four sections to play through.

Once Ben Gunn's cave has been found the treasure is located, and must then be

taken to the ship which is anchored in Spy Glass Cove, to complete the arcade


At the end of each game a percentage score will be given which reflects the

speed and fighting spirit with which it was played. Treasure Island can be

played time and time again to attempt to reach a 100 per cent score, which

represents total player perfection.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.4

Last updated on Jul 3, 2016 Change tap controls

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