Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Android FTP client & SFTP client
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Android FTP client & SFTP client for faster and easier server maintenance.
Built following the latest Android guidelines to make the experience the most intuitive on the Store also on Tablets!
Best Features
★ Super cool theme with material Icons
★ Optimized for both Smartphones and Tablets
★ Incredibly fast
★ A fantastic and powerful text editor
★ Root features
★ Private key and passphrase support (for sftp connections)
★ Translated in many languages (a special thanks to all the translators!)
★ Passwords are encrypted
★ Movable on the SD card
★ All you can do on local files you can on remote ones
★ Samsung Multiview support
★ Ability to open every file as temporary one if you just want to view it
★ Regular and rich updates
★ Personal and kind support
And much more!
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