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Forget about mindlessly flipping the TV remote buttonsTV-Time Do not waste time

Program for searching TV TV-Time does not allow you to spend time exploring the TV show ..


1. Choose the category TV

2. Select period "only the beginning" well or better for you from the list of TV shows

3. Choose a package cameraman channels or all channels

4. Click "Search program"

5. You will get a list of channels which are broadcast from the category that you are interested.

6. Switch your TV set to the correct channel and all!

Forget about mindlessly flipping the remote control buttons in search of spectacle.

Forget careful study television programs.

Search TV ostuschestvlyaetsya one click.

Available categories gear, feature film, information (news), entertainment, sightseeing, series, children and sports.

You can search for all TV channels and there are about 450:

Auto Plus, Almaty, Armenia TV, Belarus 1 Belarus 2 Belarus 3, Belarus 5, Belarus TV, BelMuzTV (Belarus), Fighter, Fight Club, Bryansk province, BLS, CTB, CGT, CGT Family, Volga, Questions and Answers , Orient Express, TIME: distant and close, VTV (first musical), Gamma, Tricolor TV Program, Gumor TB, Children's Channel, Children's World, Good TV (Ukraine), Trust, Rain, House of Cinema, Pets, Home, Home store , Drive TV, Eurasia, Evrokino, FOOD, FOOD HD, El Arna, Yenisei region, Live, Country Living, Country, Star, Healthy TV, Zoo TV, Zoo, Illusion +, Inva Media TV, India, Inter, Inter + Browse TV, Temptation, History, K1, K2, 1 Channel 1, Channel 2x2, Carousel, Kievan Rus, Cinema Plus, Cinema TV, Film Club, KINOLYUKS, Cinemania, Film Screening, Film Screening HD-1, On Demand HD-2, 1 Kinoreys (NTV), Kinoreys 2 (NTV), Kinoreys 3 (NTV), Kinoreys 4 (NTV), Kinoreys 5 (NTV), KinoSoyuz, kinohit, Comedy TV, Comedy TV, TVNZ, CTC, who's Who, Kurai, Kitchen TV, CHL HD, CHL-TV, La Minor, M-1, Mother and Child, MENU-TV, Mini Movie, PEACE, PEACE 24 Belogoriya World, World series, Lots of TV, Moscow-24, My Planet, Male , MUZ-TV, Music First, Tricolor TV Program, Multimania, Real Scary TV, Science 2.0 Our Football HD, Nashe Kino, Nashe Kino (Belarus), Tricolor TV Program, Our New Cinema, NEC SAHA, UFO TV, NNTV New channel, Nostalgia, Nightclub, NTV, NTV (2), NTV (3), NTV (4), NTV (7), Belarus NTV, NTV-Mir, NTV-Plus 3D by PANASONIC, NTV-Plus Basketball, NTV Plus Nash Football, NTV-Plus Sport, NTV Plus Sport Online, NTV Plus Tennis, NTV Plus Football, NTV Plus Football (HD), NTV Plus Football 2, NTV Plus Football 2 HD, NTK (Kazakhstan), NTN (Ukraine), O2TV, ONT (Belarus), Weapon, OST, OTV - Regional TV, OTR, UTS, Hunting & Fishing, Hunting & Fishing, Amusement Park, First HD, First Car, First worldwide network . (Europe), First City, First Business, First Internet Channel, Channel, Tricolor, and many others ..

Or select a specific cameraman, is currently available for an additional filter packets operators:

Satellite operator Tricolor package Maximum HD

Satellite operator Tricolor package Superoptimum

Satellite operator Tricolor package Optimum

Satellite operator Tricolor, Basic package

If your operator is not in the filter list, choose a search on all TV channels. Write a review and we will try to add your cameraman in the filter!

Wish you a search TV shows, enjoy watching television and more time saved!

Your team has always TV-Time search the program guide.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.7

Last updated on Aug 12, 2015 Добавлен пакет каналов Единый Триколор ТВ

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