Do you want to have access to the latest offer ladybugs wherever you are?
Do you want to have access to the latest offer of Biedronka wherever you are?
Download Twoja Biedronka application and be up to date with promotions and new products it offers. Browse the database of interesting, proven culinary recipes, find shops in your area in a few seconds and buy products from the created shopping list, every day at low prices!
The application allows you to adapt notifications to your preferences - select the categories of products that interest you to receive information only about them.
With the application Twoja Biedronka you can:
- browse the current offer of Biedronka,
- get to know more information about products from the offer,
- create shopping lists,
- receive shopping lists from the online website,
- search for nearby stores,
- discover inspiring culinary recipes,
- provide information about the selected product,
- synchronize the offer with the profile at
Use the application in a quick and easy way on your phone now.
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