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Video gaming news, gaming hints and tips and quiz creation!

Find video gaming news provided by you and other community members! Find opponents to play Android, iPhone / Game Center, Xbox Live, Playstation Network PSN, Nintendo Wii, etc.

★★★ Forum of Video Gaming, Mobile Apps and more ★★★

Moreover, you can organize quizzes to test the community or seek solutions!

★ Registration ★

While registration is optional, your Waluu user account will give you access to additional functionality including:

✓ Message submission

✓ Message voting and commenting

✓ Adding friends and easily find their messages

✓ Sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!

★ Categories ★

Here are the app categories:

✓ Cheats, walkthroughs, records

✓ Outputs, tests, Hit-Parade

✓ Mobile Games

✓ Console Games: PS4, Xbox One, Wii U

✓ Portable gaming consoles: Gameboy advance, PS Vita,

✓ Old school: your best memories of games and consoles

★ Latest contributions ★

✓ Are there any Watch Dog fans here?

✓ Are you a Call of Duty or Battlefield fan?

✓ I hesitate between the PS4 and Xbox-one! I want your opinions!

✓ What was your very first video game? Pacman, etc.

✓ Why does Mario die if he touches a turtle while he can break bricks with his head!

✓ I love this forum, click +1 if you agree!

✓ How many game consoles have you had since birth? I'm on no. 7. Atari 2600, Master System II, Game Gear, Dreamcast, Xbox 1, Game Boy advance, Xbox 360 !

✓ I think Nintendo is going to die! The Wii U is not really impressive...

✓ What is the best clone of Flappy Bird? On the IPhone, I quite like Mr Flap!

✓ What is your favorite Android game?

★ Video game definition ★

A video game is an electronic game involving human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.

Video game players own devices to influence the game and assess the consequences of their actions on the virtual environment. The word "video" in video game traditionally refers to a raster display device, but following popularization of the term, it implies any type of display device available today.

Electronic systems used to play video games can be both mainframes, small portable devices, such as the arcade, console video games, personal computer or smartphone.

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