HomeGamesMusic Rhythm
  • virtual drumstick

    virtual drumstick

    9.4 1.0 2024-12-03
    Music Rhythm

turn your mobile into a virtual drumstick and play drums

this application turns your mobile into a virtual drumstick

which produces 3 different drum sounds for 3 different phone movements

the mobile must be held vertically with the screen looking to the left

if it is flicked backwards (meaning that the mobile will end up looking down) it produces a bass sound

if it is shaken in parallel to the ground it produces a snare sound

and if it is flicked upwards (meaning that the mobile will end up looking up in a 45 degrees angle) it produces a crush sound

see the instructions video for more


the accuracy of the application depends heavily on the response time of the mobile's accelerometer

and the users skills

have this in mind before blaming the application

if the application does not response as it should , try to free up resources and close other applications

Don't use force . it is no needed and there is a risk of slipping you phone out of hands.

be careful and use at your own risk

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