Waktu Solat Malaysia is based on the JAKIM schedule, the direction of the Qiblah and the automatic call.
Waktu Solat Malaysia is a prayer time application with prayer data obtained from the official website of the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM), https://www.e-solat.gov.my/. In addition to displaying prayer time for your location, this application also contains:
★ Malaysian Prayer Timetable Data is obtained from JAKIM's e-prayer.
★ Prayer time of Imsak, Dawn, Syariah, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isak.
★ Displays the direction and distance of your location to the Temple (Qiblah).
★ Search for the location of the nearest mosque.
★ Digital Tasbih.
★ Ramadan Guide.
★ Lafaz's intention to fast a day and a month.
★ Lafaz Tarawikh and Witir Prayer Intention and Aidil Fitri Hari Raya Prayer.
★ Ramadan fasting prayer.
★ Daily prayer prayer guide.
★ Asthma Ul Husna.
★ The names of the angels and their duties.
★ List of 25 Apostles names.
★ Prayer time notifications.
★ Notification of azan when it comes to time.
★ Prayer time data does not need internet.
★ Date of AD and Pilgrimage.
★ Taqwim Hijrah.
★ Easy interface.
★ Easy Waktu Solat Malaysia widgets without the need for you to enter the application.
Hopefully this Waktu Solat Malaysia app will benefit the users and if you find any problems or want to contribute new ideas for the development of this application, do not hesitate to contact me via email.
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