Collection of HD 4k Wallpapers and Art designs for Android™ 8.0, 9.0 Oreo 2019
New app 2019!
Loved by more 2,00,000 users worldwide. Daily updates of free, HD & 4k Android™ 7.0 Nougat Wallpapers, Android™ 8.0 Oreo, Material Wallpapers and Unsplash photos!
- Regular updates of Material Design Wallpapers, Minimal Art and Unsplash backdrops
- Showcase your design! Share your works with the people!
Introducing new
Search wallpapers! Search from millions of HD, 4K wallpapers in the app! All wallpapers are free and super high quality!
Black AmoLED Wallpapers
Perfect wallpapers for super AmoLED screens with dark black effects and photos and abstracts.
Material Wallpapers
These are handmade HD quality material design wallpapers with a lot of categories to choose from. These include lollipop wallpapers, marshmallow wallpapers, Android™ Nougat wallpapers.
Minimal Art
Collection of minimal backdrops with flat design and smooth colors!
Unsplash wallpapers
These free stock 4k wallpapers are inspired by daily lifestyle kept in mind to freshen up your day and keep you energetic from 500 px and Unsplash optimized for mobile display. These wallpapers are royalty free provided on 500 px and Unsplash.
- Cloud wallpapers which can be saved to the device for later use.
- Many backdrop types to choose from.
- 4K Resolution and full HD designs.
- Mobile optimized free Unsplash photos.
- New app 2018
Setting wallpapers
- Automatically scales and sets the wallpaper as per your device screen.
- Keep the favourite images by easily saving them to your own device.
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