Weather Forecast for Jujuy Province Argentina Android Application
It is very intuitive to use the App. In the upper side, you can search for a city or small town to know the weather. Submit a city name, while you were typing, you will be suggested with several city names, select the one you was searching and then touch the button to see weather data. If you wish to make a new request, touch two times the field name to clean it, and submit a new city name. Also, you can select language in the menu of the App.
The weather data is updated each two hours or so, and forecast is given until 48 hours in the future.
This application doesn't display annoying announcements. It runs O.K. for devices under Android versions 2.2 and later, also it can run for handset and tablets.
The App has the enormous advantage that it doesn't require much WiFi connection helping to save your power battery. When exists connection problems, the cause is displayed as message popup in the screen.
The application could be useful for people visiting Jujuy province and needs to know weather conditions before to change location, also the altitude over the sea level is given.
Future Updates: It is planed to extend the usefulness to give the weather for the entire Argentina.
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