Which Minecraft mob are you? Take this quiz and find out!
Which Minecraft mob are you?
In a game full of squares, there’s bound to be a little bit of personality in those mobs.
Which Minecraft mob are you? Take this quiz and find out!
The minecraft mob list is creeper zombie spider scelaten wolf pig sheep cow ocalot squid chicken ghast blase magma cube slime villager endermen or HEROBRINE
Find out if you are a cow, a sheep, a chicken, a pig, a skeleton, or a slime.
This app asks you a series of multiple choice questions then calculates your answers and displays your result of your mob status.
This is an unofficial minecraft free fan / parody app
Application is not affiliated, sponsored or endorsed to Minecraft or Mojang. This application is intended for educational and fan purposes. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. All rights reserved. All of these materials can be used in every 'craft' game.
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