An index of more than 1100 Zooper Widgets to, sort, filter, view and download!
Tired of searching the Internet for Zooper widgets (also called skins or themes)?
Well search no more because Zooper Widget Gallery brings the widgets to you! Currently you can browse over 1100 (more added frequently!) separate widgets with download links that take you straight to the site it came from.
Free Features:
* Browse widgets by name, popularity, date, and Zooper attributes
* Filter widgets so you only view widgets that meet your requirements (all Zooper attributes are filterable)
* Hide widgets you don't ever want to see
Premium License Features:
* Ad Free
* Install widgets directly from the app (XDA only)
* Delete widgets in-app (after downloading)
* View all currently installed widgets
* Sale Notifications
* Much more to come!
After downloading a widget using the pro license, drop a Zooper Widget on your screen, click on it, and then select 'SD Card' to view your downloaded themes.
Some widgets (usually the older ones) show as 'corrupted' in Zooper Pro after download, this is a known Zooper Pro bug but the widgets still work (if you get stuck on the loading dialog, just hit the back arrow)
WARNING: The downloaded widgets WILL NOT WORK without the Zooper Widget Pro app!!
**This app is not affiliated with the official Zooper app.**
Explanation of permissions
- Required for AdMob
- Required for AdMob
- Required for In-App Billing (for Premium License)
- Required to download direct to SD card (Premium)
- Required for sale notifications (Premium)
- Required to download direct to SD card (Pro feature)
- Required for database sync
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