X Radar: Free dating with single women and men either straight, gay or lesbian
X Radar lets you find people near from you, with the features you want and perfectly compatible with you.
Each time you receive a friend request or you accept someone as a friend you will gain stars. The more stars you have, the more visibility you will have.
With X Radar it's very easy and fun to meet people in your city whatever your preferences. Furthermore:
- It's free and simple
- No fake profiles
- You can search for people, group of friends or even couples
- You can choose not to be annoyed with friendship request
- You can chat unlimitedly for free
- Searching for profesional people feature
- You will only find and will be only found by people who fit your sexual preferences
- You can change your sexual orientation, what is suitable for bisexual people
- And it's very simple to use
Try it and discover all its features!
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