It is 60th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dear FOGSI colleague,
We are very happy to appraise you about the AICOG 2017 & to bring you the greetings of monsoon, the season of deluge!我们很高兴地通知您,我们几乎达到了3000多个已确认的注册的魔术人物,我们希望这个数字能够增长3次,这都是Fogsi成员热情的结果!
The organizing team & members of AOGS (Ahmedabad Obstetric & Gynaecological Society) are eager to receive you with traditional Gujarati ethos. As a mark of this many members have volunteered to offer home hospitality to the visiting delegates. We request you to avail this opportunity and sample Gujarati way of life.
科学计划正在准备中,我们已经确认了35个外国学院,而且数量可能会增长到50多。我们的目标是设计一项科学计划,这两个科学计划,该行业的年轻格林霍恩(Greenhorn)以及高级同事都在寻找技术进步和更新的想法。 The skill enhancement will be addressed by a wide selection of total 12 workshops.
We are sure that each of you have a specific interest in your professional practice.欢迎您与所有Fogsi同事分享并讨论您自己的工作和数据,我们邀请您发送摘要以获取免费的纸质会议或海报演示文稿,或者在2016年10月15日之前。
也许您很清楚,古吉拉特邦(Gujaratis)的实践素食很大,这使我们探索了该地区独有的各种美食。 We recommend you to savour these delectable preparations in addition to the regular multi-cuisine fare.荣誉。 Prime minister of India has also regaled the foreign state guests with these over last 2 years!
艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)和古吉拉特(Gujarat)以丰富的文化遗产而闻名,这里庆祝的两个独特的节日是乌塔拉亚纳(Kites of Kites of Kites)和Navratra(传统舞蹈形式-Garba)。 We have arranged these at the time of conference for your benefit.
我们总是欢迎创意创意,并在2017年1月在艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)征求您的亲切业务。古吉拉特邦(Gujaratis)以其热情好客而闻名,我们希望巩固这种印象,并准备在最佳季节接受访问艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)。 We are very confident that you will take back the 'Khushboo Gujaratki' when you leave the conference and head back to your own state!