All the mystical teachings and wisdom of the Buddhist religion and its currents (Madhyamaka, Yogacara, Tantric, Zen, Theravada) through hundreds of poems and quotes from:
The great sacred books of Buddhism:
Advaya Vajra,Anangavajra,Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita,Avatamsaka Sutra,Sutras,Kalacakratantra,Khuddaka Nikaya,Milandapanha,Lankavatara,Lankavatara Sutra,Lankavatara Sutra,Sahasrika prajnaparamita,Portsper Enlightenment Sutra, Vinaya Pitaka, Zenrin Kushu, etc.
Great Buddhist mystics:
Asanga Buddha Brug-pa Kun_legs,Candrakirti,Ho-Tso的Chen-Hoi,Chogyam Trungpa,Dalai Lama,Dogen,Genpo Sensei,Gudo Nishima Roshi,Geshe Kelsang Kelsang Kelsang Gyatso,Hsuan Kambala,Kanha,Kumarajiva,Lin-Chi,Milarepa,Nagarjuna,Suzuki Roshi,Yamada Roshi,Santideva,Santideva,Santideva,Shantideva,Shantideva,Suuki,Suuki,Deshimaru,Deshimaru,Vasubandhu,Vasubandhu,vasubandhu,wu-malakirti,wu-men,,,wu-men,,,,,,地ETC。
Compare Buddhist mysticism with the other great religions of the world on more than 100 major themes of humanity:
- The Absolute
- The mystical ways,
- Spiritual practices
- Karma
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