BusinessCall智能手机的第二行在这里。 Very professional.
***Free for 100 minutes/texts for up to 7 days***
BusinessCall ™ - Text and Call from a second business line for your mobile. Choose a business number from your town or from any location in the US. Or, port an existing mobile number to BusinessCall .这是您的选择。
Get a free trial of this remarkable app and then pay for what you need. Business Call提供几个计划,每月为$ 5.99,包括100分钟或200份文本,直至无限服务,直接从该应用程序直接以每月的价格为12.99美元。 With any of these choices, there's no contract to sign, ever.
BusinessCall operates as a shared minutes program. If you have an unlimited mobile minutes plan, the BusinessCall minutes are unlimited too. If you have a defined minutes plan from you mobile carrier, BusinessCall minutes count against that plan. Texts are carried via data connections for BusinessCall and do not count against texting limits in your existing mobile phone plan.
BusinessCall learns your business callers when they call. So when you return a business call, they'll see your business number, not your personal mobile number. The BusinessCall experience is always separate from your personal calls.
Set up your Welcome Greeting to professionally answer every business call. Use Caller Choices (our auto attendant) to route business calls to your mobile, forward to other numbers, play announcements or take messages. Use our Quick Notes feature to jot down a note after a call with one touch. Then organize your notes into an easy today/tomorrow/later format.
BusinessCall gives you information you've never had before.通话外观和听起来很独特,当BusinessCall响起时,您会看到提醒您请注意您为联系人提供了记录,以及您在自动服务员中刚刚做出的呼叫者的选择。
With Business Call you can:
- Keep your mobile phone number for personal use and get a second line for business calls
- Separate your business texts, voicemails, and phone calls from your personal texts, voicemails, and calls
- Get a new BusinessCall number or transfer an existing number (for free)
- Greet your customers professionally on every call when you enable the BusinessCall welcome greeting
- Get a distinctive ringtone for incoming business call along with notes and live caller choices
- 使用允许您输入消息加的后小时模式,可以通过您的手机号码或您指定的任何其他电话号码访问您的“紧急”
- Call and text anywhere in the US and Canada
- The unlimited plan includes Unlimited minutes shared with your cellphone plan and free texting
Control your BusinessCall account via a simple, easy to use mobile app. It gives you the flexibility to change your settings at any time as your business needs evolve and change.
Our live BusinessCall US based support is here to help answer your questions and to welcome your feedback. Send emails to [email protected] or call 877-717-UREACH (877-717-8732).
Join the BusinessCall community. We're on facebook, and @ureachcom on twitter.
Developer: Visit webpage: