Track, view, search, calendar, notifications for new events at Dallas Makerspace
Dallas Makerspace holds many events and it can be difficult to know when new events of your interest are added to the calendar. “检索新事件”从日历供稿中检索所有事件,并且仅显示自上次检索新事件(仍在待处理)以来的新事件。
In "Settings," you can enter keywords so that new events with those keywords are highlighted.通过选择“每天自动检索”,每天都会检索新事件,如果有任何新事件与您输入的关键字相匹配,您会收到通知。
You can also "Show All Events" to reset and see all pending events, as well as swipe to remove individual events.
The Dallas Makerspace calendar, and the feed this app uses, is under development and may change over time (thus breaking the feed for this app).