  • Disneyland MouseWait FREE

    Disneyland MouseWait FREE

    8 7.2.22 2024-11-03

Disneyland Wait Times - MouseWait Disneyland App - California Adventure + more

迪士尼乐园的免费等待时间,包括游乐设施,小时,活动,食物,放映时间,加利福尼亚冒险,迪士尼市中心 +下次迪士尼乐园度假村所需的一切! Join 3 MILLION fans and find out why 15 out of 17 people use MouseWait as their primary Disneyland App. MouseWait是自2009年以来最受欢迎,广受好评,最新的迪士尼乐园Android/iPhone/iPad/apple Windows Phone应用程序,并获得了11,000多次评论。 Make new friends with Disney fans worldwide in our family friendly, professionally moderated social Lounge. You will save time & money while enhancing your Disney Parks experience.

The Huffington Post acknowledged MouseWait as one of the three "Disneyland Musts You Shouldn't Be Without"


One of the 26 Apps You Need To Survive In Los Angeles" BuzzFeed

Macworld loves MouseWait 4.5/5 Mice:

“ MouseWait为迪士尼乐园度假胜地的休闲和频繁游客提供了大量信息。它确实可以做到它声称的及其更多的信息,而且它做得非常好。如果您有计划将来访问迪士尼乐园度假胜地,或者是年度通行证持有人,那么这个应用程序是绝对必须的。” Danny Amezcua, Macworld

An OC blogger found in a random survey that 15 out of 17 use MouseWait as their primary Disneyland app.

如电视上看到的:Ryan Seacrest,Leo Laporte,CBS,KCAL,KTLA新闻,新闻企业的首页,La Times,OC Register,Ocweekly,MacWorld,Pcworld,TMZ,TMZ,E!


★★★★★"It's like having Disneyland in your pocket"

Visit the Lounge to get the inside scoop on how to maximize your next trip to Disneyland!

立即下载以立即访问我们世界著名的人群索引,Magicsearch Technology等(您还可以在应用程序内部升级以删除广告)。

TIPS: Connectivity is sometimes poor at Disneyland. Hard reboot your phone to improve signal.

★If you're having problems email [email protected] - we answer all support requests (please do this before posting a review).


★Get accurate wait times for everything from Space Mountain to the Dole Whip Line! The largest active user base of any Disneyland app + our unique proprietary algorithm predicts wait times. Full California Adventure info included.

★休息室:我们正在申请专利的移动社交网络平台可让您从公园分享实时图像和更多图像,它使您可以与世界各地的迪士尼乐园粉丝建立联系! Make new friends, learn about the parks, get inside tips from experts.

★Live vicariously through other people at Disneyland; great for post-vacation blues!

★The most comprehensive food directory including menus, maps, & reviews from our massive community.

★Your account SYNCS to the web for free so you can access your Likes, Bookmarks, & more on our web version! http://mousewait.com/disneyland/lounge

★Live Disneyland Webcams!

★NEW Food Section! The most comprehensive food directory including menus, maps, & reviews

★ALL IN ONE passholder calendar with blockout dates

★Detailed weather

★Find Food Near Me, Restrooms Near Me, Events Near Me - one click buttons from your Dashboard that give you the info you need.

★Post your pictures to the Lounge

★MouseWait Crowd Index and Park hours on the wait time screens, NEW AND IMPROVED wait time algorithm.

Get MouseWait updates on FB and Twitter go to http://mousewait.com

What's New in the Latest Version 7.2.22

Last updated on Jun 27, 2016 Minor bug fixes in this version to get ready for MouseWait 9--a COMPLETE redesign! If you're having problems with this version please use our new Support tab inside the app. Visit http://MouseWait.com for more info and check out the Lounge in the app for Disneyland and MouseWait news.

Upgrade to Platinum! Get the Insider's Guide & remove banner/popup ads.

Please update your rating in Play if this version works better for you!









