Avoid spelling errors when conjugating verbs in the Dutch language
No more sloppy spelling -d, -t or -dt errors when you conjugate verbs in the Dutch language. Easily check the complete spelling of every Dutch verb on your mobile.
Sixteen unique icons educate you about the type of Dutch verb you entered and how the spelling of stem and other forms are composed. Like regular ('zwak'), irregular ('sterk') or link verb. Also the applicability of the “het Kofschip” rule for the past tense of the Dutch verb is shown.
This helps you better understand the Dutch spelling rules and more easily conjugate other verbs yourself.
An essential app if you are learning the spelling and grammar of the Dutch language, whether at school, on a course or self study. Helping you to write correctly spelled letters and mails in Dutch.
这个独特的应用程序对将荷兰语学习为第二语言的人非常有帮助:作为“ Nederlands Als Tweede Taal”或NT2课程的学生。 Improving your written Dutch by getting every verb conjugation right helps you with inburgeren in Nederland.
You can enter the infinitive (default spelling of the verb) or any other conjugation or verb form, like the past participle.同样,可以确认具有可分离前缀的动词:输入或粘贴的“ OpgedRonken”将自动产生荷兰动词“ opdrinken”(饮料)的所有共轭。
For a Dutch Verbs like 'doorlopen', which has two alternative spellings, you can choose from a pop-up menu with description of both verbs. To help you make the right choice, the stressed syllable in the Dutch verb is indicated with an underscore.
该应用程序知道所有荷兰式拼写规则,以及在荷兰和比利时(Flanders/vlaanderen)中使用的600多个不规则(“ Sterke”)动词的所有例外。内置的11,000个动词列表还包括所有常用的常规('zwakke')动词,因此该应用程序不需要互联网连接来帮助您改善Dutch Verbs的拼写。
For each Dutch verb you get a complete overview of all forms or conjugations:
- Present tense or 'ott', including the verb stem
- Imperative / gebiedende wijs
- Simple past tense or 'ovt' / onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd van het werkwoord
- Past participle / voltooid deelwoord
- Present participle / tegenwoordig deelwoord
您还将看到所有六个未来和完成时态的共轭或拼写,并结合正确的荷兰辅助动词“ hebben”或“ zijn”:
- Present perfect tense
- Past Perfect tense
- Imperfect future tense
- Past future tense
- Completed future tense.
If you miss any forms or verbs in this app or you encounter any diffculty, feel free to mail us: [email protected]
You mail will always be answered. This is a faster way of improving this app than reviews.
More on this unique Dutch verb and and spelling of verbs in the Dutch language on our site: https://prosultsstudio.com