Remotely control your favorite 3D application
Walk through your 3D file within Trimble Sketchup, Unity 3D or Autodesk Navisworks as easily as you would play a board game.
Interactive 3D apps are great for involving buyers and stakeholders in the sales and communication process. As we all know, this is crucial to winning or losing a pitch.
"The problem is to handle and navigate 3D apps with mouse and keyboard. It is tricky and requires special skills."
edddison可以轻松地穿过建筑物,从几乎任何角度查看空间,并在开始建造或制造之前讨论设计决策。 Particularly for people without a technical background.
- Target user group -
edddison使房地产开发商,销售代表,建筑师和建筑商可以使用触摸屏,平板电脑和混合现实技术进行广告,销售和计划建设项目。 edddison无缝地适合现有应用,例如BIM(构建信息模型),可视化,数字原型制作和严肃的游戏。
- edddison is a platform -
To work with edddison you need the plug-in for your 3D software and the edddison editor, available at edddison .com
- edddison consists of three parts -
A plug-in for your 3D software (Trimble Sketchup, Unity 3D, Autodesk Navisworks)
An easy-to-use editor for creating outstanding 3D presentations in a few clicks and without programming skills. You also can add pictures and videos to your presentation.
The Android app to remotely control your 3D model and the whole presentation