Ericom AccessToGo (SECTOR MDM Edition)
ERICOM AccessTogo(扇区MDM版-Mobile Device Management)远程桌面客户端可提供快速,简便且安全的移动访问,以供其中心发布和托管的Windows台式机以及在终端服务 / RDS / RDS / VDI /物理PC上托管的应用程序。 Does your company use Ericom?无论您身在何处,都可以访问您的Office PC和Windows应用程序(例如,Word,Excel,Acrobat和其他业务应用程序。)来自Android 2.1及高级设备,例如,Samsung Galaxy S4,Google Nexus 10和Kindle Fire HDX。
Ericom WebConnect requires PowerTerm WebConnect Server v5.8 or newer installed: For ubiquitous clientless access, PowerTerm WebConnect also provides an HTML5, browser-based remote desktop RDP client called Ericom AccessNow.
- Ericom WebConnect的独特专利保护技术通过自动将所有Windows对象的大小调整到最佳尺寸来提供无与伦比的可用性和生产率。
- 享受高度准确的屏幕控制,直观的上向下滚动以及唯一支持触摸板和浮动指针的移动RDP客户端。
- Ericom WebConnect还为平板电脑提供了独特的功能栏,该平板电脑显示流行键(ESC,TAB,CTRL,ALT和Windows)和其他生产力功能。
- Superior user experience – Ericom WebConnect's Blaze-powered RDP acceleration works up to 10 times faster than regular RDP clients.
For technical support and other inquiries: [email protected]
Ericom for for Sector的EccessTogo与基于部门的企业工作区合作,包括BlackBerry Secure Work Space,AT&T Toggle和Deutsche Teleckm Samba!如果您不确定是否有部门工作区,或者没有扇区工作空间并且想获得一个扇区,请联系您公司的IT管理员。 If you are not an enterprise user, please consider AccessToGo.
- Requires at least 512MB RAM
- RDP must be enabled on the target Windows host (Home editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 do not provide RDP server support)
- 正在申请专利的技术提高了生产率和可用性:使Windows台式机和应用程序更易于在移动设备(触摸环境)上使用,从而减少了使用远程访问时缩放和锅的需求。与Microsoft Remote桌面 / RDC / RDP不同,ERICOM WebConnect自动调整远程桌面分辨率(每英寸PPI像素-PPI),并最佳地调整Windows对象的大小(启动菜单,图标,对话框等)
- Native resolution support
- Function bar for tablets displays frequently used keys (Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, Windows) & functions – Exclusive!
- Enhanced Floater and Pointer Tools
- Pinch to Zoom
- Remote mouse mode support
- Bluetooth / USB mouse and keyboard support for Android 4.x and higher
- Virtual native keyboard & extended PC Keyboard support
- Copy & Paste support
- Remote Program support (auto-start program on login)
- Multilingual UI support
- Full-screen auto-resize on orientation changes (portrait to / from landscape)
- Sound / audio redirection
- 8, 16, 24 & 32 bit color
- URL Schemes
*Included - Ericom Secure Gateway – Secure, encrypted access when connecting from outside the firewall
*Alternative to Citrix
- Ericom PowerTerm WebConnect provides centrally published and managed Windows desktops and applications hosted on Terminal Services / RDS / VDI
- 1/2 the cost of Citrix
- Provides both native remote desktop RDP client and HTML5, browser-based RDP client
(Requires PowerTerm WebConnect Server v5.8 or newer installed:
*Ericom Blaze remote desktop RDP Acceleration is included within Ericom WebConnect:
- Making Ericom WebConnect remote desktop connections extremely fast
- Enhances display performance of maps, photos, streaming video, radiology images, 3D images, Adobe Flash and PDFs.