F-Secure多合一:防病毒,VPN和ID保护 - 移动安全变得容易。
F-Secure all-in-one security makes online protection easy
Get antivirus, scam protection, VPN, password management, and identity protection in one app. Choose the protection that matches your needs.
Sign up in the app and get Mobile security subscription 14 days free.
Mobile security subscription: security on the go
✓ Download apps and files safely to your device with top-rated antivirus.
✓ No more guessing – detect phishing websites and fake online stores automatically on Chrome browser
✓ Keep your money safe when banking, browsing, and shopping online.
✓ Connect to any WiFi hotspot securely with a VPN and make your browsing private.
✓ Prevent identity theft with 24/7 dark web monitoring and data breach alerts.
✓ Manage your privacy and app permissions easily in one location.
✓ Get useful tips on setting up device lock and activating security features.
Total subscription: complete protection on all devices
✓ Everything included in Mobile security plus all the following benefits.
✓ Store and access passwords from any device with a password manager.
✓ Protect your kids' safety online with content filtering and healthy screentime limits.
✓ Protect all your PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices against cyber threats with one subscription.
F‑Secure VPN subscription
If you only want to guard your privacy, you can get the F‑Secure VPN subscription. With it you only pay for F‑Secure VPN that allows you to browse privately, join any Wi-Fi hotspot safely, and change your IP address.
Secure everything you do online
F-Secure使您可以轻松地保护您在网上所做的一切 - 无论是流式传输您喜欢的节目,与家人建立联系,管理您的钱还是节省无价的回忆。 Everything you need is in one app. Get antivirus, VPN, password vault, data breach alerts and more with the subscription that best suits your needs.
Separate 'Safe Browser' icon in Launcher
Safe browsing works only when you are browsing the Internet with Safe Browser. To easily allow you to set Safe Browser as default browser, we install this as an additional icon in the launcher. This also helps a child launch the Safe Browser more intuitively.
F-Secure always applies strict security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. See the full privacy policy here: https://www.F-Secure.com/en/legal/privacy/consumer/total
申请执行申请需要设备管理员权利,而F-Secure使用相应的权限完全按照Google Play策略并获得最终用户的主动同意。 The Device Administrator permissions are used for Parental Control features, in particular:
• Preventing children from removing the application without parental guidance
• Browsing Protection
该应用使用可访问性服务。 F-Secure uses the respective permissions with active consent from the end user.
The Accessibility permissions are used for the Family Rules and Chrome Protection features, in particular:
Family Rules
• To allow a parent to protect their child against unsuitable web content.
• To allow a parent to apply restrictions on device and app usage for children.
Chrome Protection
• To read website addresses for checking their safety on Chrome.
With the Accessibility service
• application usage can be monitored and restricted, and
• safety checks on Chrome can be performed.