Use the experience of 100,000+ entrepreneurs to make, get or raise money.
All suggestions, articles and tips come from the experience of the 100,000+ entrepreneurs on our business plan app.我们了解人们通常想要的只是赚钱,在此应用程序中,我们分享了许多有关如何通过工作,创业或企业或为您的业务筹集资金的技巧。
The app helps you understand how to make money in a number of ways. There are tutorials on how to:
- Make money by starting a small business and growing it
- Make money by raising money for a project or business
- Make money by applying to full-time or part-time jobs
The app also features tools to help you plan various fundraising efforts. You can plan how to make money privately or by inviting friends or business partners and planning together.
The app is split up in a few sections. The first section is about how to make money by starting any of the 100 common business ideas on the list that we have put together. The ideas there are common business ideas that most people can do.
And of course, you can always make money by taking part time work or full time work and saving the money that you earn there.
The other way to make money is to start a bigger kind of a business.在该应用程序中,我们可以链接到我们的免费业务构想和业务计划应用程序,以便您可以学习如何独自获得业务构想,并学会计划自己的业务。 Both of those apps are free.
You can also watch videos about how to make money right on the app.我们添加了YouTube频道,该频道涵盖了诸如创业,筹集和赚钱,促进您的业务以及有关赚钱或赚钱的其他主题等主题。
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