
Master GMAT math formulas with free flashcards from the expert tutors at Magoosh

Learn GMAT math formulas and solve GMAT questions with free flashcards for Android. Practice every day to prep for the test and get a better quant score!

☞ 425 math cards written by our expert tutors

☞ Includes GMAT practice questions, solutions, and common mistakes

☞ Cards cover all difficulty levels

☞ Track your progress as you study

☞ Smart algorithm focuses your practice for efficient learning

This app gives you free access to all of Magoosh's GMAT math flash cards. Sign in with a Magoosh account (or create a new one) to save your progress to the web.

Written by GMAT experts

All of the formulas were selected and explained with usage examples by Magoosh's expert tutors, led by Mike McGarry. He has been teaching the GMAT for more than 10 years.

Review that really sticks

学术研究发现,通过反复接触新信息来形成记忆,因此Magoosh的抽认卡应用使用间隔重复系统。您正在学习的概念会经常出现(您知道它们越越频繁地发生),并且您已经知道不会重复的概念。 The GMAT list is also culled to only 425 so that you don't waste time learning unimportant words.

About Magoosh

We're an online test prep company with a focus on teaching the GMAT through videos and personalized customer support.

除了在线课程外,我们还在博客上有关GMAT公式,解决问题,定量推理,单词,根,语法以及阅读理解以及学习指南和学习技巧的博客。 Articles from the blog have been compiled into 3 separate free ebooks with over 6,000 downloads.

More GMAT study tools

Search the app store for "magoosh gmat" to continue your prep for the Exam with Magoosh's video lessons app. Learn all the math, verbal, and writing you need to know for the test!

当您准备练习全GMAT考试时,Magoosh的网站有800多个出色的数学和口头练习问题,每个问题都有自己的详细视频说明。 After each quiz, you can review your answers to see your strengths and weaknesses.

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Customer satisfaction is incredibly important to us. If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email at [email protected].

Don't wait until the last minute to start studying, start learning GMAT math formulas and concepts today!








