  • Hand Shadow Puppets Ideas

    Hand Shadow Puppets Ideas

    9 1.0 2024-12-23

Hand Shadow Puppets is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment.

手阴影木偶或影子戏或名为《影子木偶》是一种古老的讲故事和娱乐形式,它使用平坦的铰接图(影子木偶)来创建剪裁人物,这些人物在光源和半透明的屏幕或scrim之间。 The cut-out shapes of the puppets sometimes include translucent color or other types of detailing. Various effects can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source. A talented puppeteer can make the figures appear to walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.

Shadow play is popular in various cultures; currently there are more than 20 countries known to have shadow show troupes. Shadow play is an old tradition and it has a long history in Southeast Asia; especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. It is also considered as an ancient art in other parts of Asia such as in China, India and Nepal. It is also known in the West from Turkey, Greece to France. It is a popular form of entertainment for both children and adults in many countries around the world.

Shadow puppetry originated during the Han Dynasty when one of the concubines of Emperor Wu of Han died from an illness. The emperor was devastated, and he summoned his court officers to bring his beloved back to life. The officers made a shape of the concubine using donkey leather. Her joints were animated using 11 separate pieces of the leather, and adorned with painted clothes.他们使用油灯使她的阴影动作,使她重新栩栩如生。在宋朝时,ShaDow Theatre剧院就变得非常受欢迎,当时假期的标志是许多影子戏剧的表现。 During the Ming Dynasty there were 40 to 50 shadow show troupes in the city of Beijing alone. In the 13th century, the shadow show became a regular recreation in the barracks of the Mongolian troops. It was spread by the conquering Mongols to distant countries like Persia, Arabia, and Turkey. Later, it was introduced to other Southeastern Asian countries. The earliest shadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper. The storytellers generally used the art to tell events between various war kingdoms or stories of Buddhist sources.[1] Today, puppets made of leather and moved on sticks are used to tell dramatic versions of traditional fairy tales and myths. In Gansu province, it is accompanied by Daoqing music, while in Jilin, accompanying Huanglong music forms some of the basis of modern opera.

The origins of Taiwan's shadow puppetry can be traced to the Chaochow school of shadow puppet theatre.阴影戏剧通常被称为皮革猴子表演或皮革表演,最早在清朝(1644-1911 AD)就在Tainan,Kaohsiung和Pingtung中流行。 Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing.传统上,八到12英寸的木偶人物以及舞台风景和道具,例如家具,自然风光,宝塔,大厅和植物都从皮革上剪裁。由于影子木偶是基于透明片的光穿透的光线,因此“阴影”实际上是观众在个人资料或脸上看到的剪影。台湾的影子戏剧伴随着混乱的旋律,由于它们与葬礼上的道斯牧师使用的音乐相似,通常被称为“牧师的旋律”。在影子木偶中使用的大约300张戏剧学院的剧本,可以追溯到台湾十四和十五世纪,可追溯到14世纪,被认为是无价的文化资产。

A number of terms are used to describe the different forms.

-a shadow theatre using leather puppets. The figures are usually moved behind a thin screen and is not entirely a show of shadows as it is more of a silhouette shadow. This gives the figures some color, and is not 100% black and white.

-paper shadow theatre.

-Chinese shadow theatre.









