Metro Puerto Rico - now available for your Android phone.
The free Android app from Metro Puerto Rico gives you the latest and most interesting news stories in a modernized and attractive design.
With the Metro Puerto Rico app you will have access to our complete digital content at all times, wherever you are located.
With the Metro Puerto Rico app you will never miss anything important.
* Push notifications. Be instantly updated with the latest and most interesting news stories from the journalists of Metro Puerto Rico .
* New navigation. Quickly find all sections and categories with the new intuitive navigation menu.
* New image galleries. Swipe smoothly to next image, and view all images in full-screen mode.
* Reader's comment. Participate in discussions on every article. Read comments from other reader's and add your own.
* Built-in sharing: Share the articles with e-mail, Facebook or Twitter with the simple built-in tools.
* Pull to refresh: Simply pull any page to refresh the latest version from the server.