News+ is a simple, fast and intuitive feed/rss reader for Android.
Difference between News+ and gReader:
*** About News+ (Google News)***
由于Google决定关闭Google阅读器,因此已经启动了许多新的和创新的RSS服务。其中许多服务似乎是值得替代的,甚至是升级。我们不能只选择一两个,我们还必须就我们的工作如何继续做出一些决定。我们决定不选择! We created a new app that is the successor of gReader, taking it's features and functionality but supports as many reading services as possible: News+ .
我们的目标是创建具有最佳阅读体验的新闻阅读器。我们的用户喜欢可自定义的greader,这很有意义,因为许多功能想法来自社区本身。 So, on News+ users can also quickly read their feeds in a simple and intuitive user interface.文章页面可以减少到主要内容的最低限度,以便读者可以专注于……阅读!使用出色的离线阅读功能也可以在没有互联网连接的地方消耗内容。 You can also let News+ read your news to you when out laud, leaving your hands free for other tasks.这些和更多功能可以在“功能”页面上,。
***为什么只选择一项服务? Supporting extensions in News+ ***
The power of News+ is as an aggregator. We took gReader's functional features and added the ability to expand News+ with extensions.不仅用于RSS服务,还可以阅读以后的服务(口袋,可读性或Instapaper),并且新闻网站也可以集成。 We plan on integrating more and more services to News+ , making it a one-stop-shop for all your news and articles needs.在单个统一的用户界面中,您现在可以从各种不同的服务中阅读和消费内容,并且列表将变得越来越大。
扩展是独立应用程序,每个人都可以创建和发布。 News+ recognized the extensions by itself and shows them directly in the app. Here is a list of current services News+ supports:
* Google新闻
* inoreader
* bazqux
* 口袋
Finally, we encourage the News+ community to create extension, and have them published to everyone!
News+ is an app with Google News features.