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Eternal Strands是一种流行的冒险RPG,具有神秘的世界,类似于Genshin Impact甚至Monster Hunter系列。 With tons of magical creatures inhibiting the world and a huge landscape to explore, Eternal Strands has much to uncover. But, this can be quite challenging especially if you're a beginner. So, to help you get started, here's an in-depth beginner's guide and tips for Eternal Strands.

Eternal Strands Beginner's Tips And Guide

There's a huge in-game world and lots of secrets around every corner in Eternal Strands.因此,为了帮助您探索这个庞大的梦幻世界而不构成危险,我们已经编译了10个最佳初学者的永恒链条。 Following them will make your gameplay much better, and feel less like a grind.

1. Explore every region completely

永恒的链子具有一个巨大的神奇世界,拥有整体的幻想世界,遍布各种敌对和友好的生物。 What makes the gameplay more enticing is the freedom to explore every corner of this vast landscape.

You should definitely check every nook and cranny of every region since there might be treasure hiding at any spot .例如,在Glintwood Hollow,如果您花一段时间探索隐藏路线,您可以找到一个冰洞和大量的稀有资源景点

2. Know how to collect resources

If you get to explore, you'll come across various elements across the map. Now, every component of a map is destructible. But, not every block will give your resource rewards.因此,如果您想在永恒的链中收集资源,则需要寻找巨大的铁块,可破坏的树木和类似块

Now just hitting won't get you the resource. If you're collecting stuff like Bronze, then you need to hit the blocks with a Charged Attack to break it quicker. Conversely, using Quick Attack combos on Trees can help you gather wood quicker.

3. Learn to level up quickly

与每个RPG类似,您在永恒链中的角色也具有一个级别系统,但这不是传统的系统,您可以从杀死怪物中获得经验。 Rather, the focus is much more on resource collection and upgrading your characters with that.

So, looting resources especially from slaying high-level monsters and from treasure chests should be your priority.当您将这些资源带回基地时,您可以使用它们来升级基础以及角色,从而增加其库存空间并提供其他特权。

4. Set your settings right

While you would start with a default setting, that is in no way the most optimal setting for Eternal Strands. So, if you want the best Setting for Eternal Strands , make these changes to make your playthrough experience much smoother:

  • Quality Preset - Low to Medium (Depending on your hardware)
  • Gameplay Difficulty - Easy or Normal
  • Show Compass - On
  • Auto Climb - Off


5. Use your inventory wisely

Your inventory is an essential aspect in Eternal Strands.开始玩时,不仅库存空间有限,而且收集的资源在角色的发展中也具有重要作用。 So, you need to make sure that you make the best use of your inventory slots.

From personal experience, you should prioritize rarity and then quantity. One rare item would be worth more than three uncommon ones , while an uncommon one would have triple the value of a common one . Based on this, you can choose which items to keep and which ones to throw away.

6. Use elements to your advantage

如果您完成了永恒链的教程,则可能会意识到,游戏中的元素在游戏过程中起着重要作用,影响了您的战斗以及探索的其他方面。 Thankfully, you can use them to your advantage, especially during combat.

Certain monsters can also trigger elements like setting the area on fire, while you can also use your Strand's ability to extinguish fire . Similarly, fire can also hurt monsters of different elements. So, during combat make sure you notice the elements and take advantage of them.

7. Make use of your Strands creatively

Strands are by far the most important power of your character in Eternal Strands. You start with two powers, namely the Weaver's Grasp and Ice Wall , but as you progress, you can acquire new Strands which are much stronger.

These Strands have power that not only aids you in combat but also interacts with elements to let you do creative maneuvers. For example, you can use the Ice Wall to create paths across fire or make bridges to inaccessible areas. So, let your creativity fly when using Strands.

8. Keep track of your equipment

Apart from Strands, the next most critical aspect of Eternal Strands is your gear.您的设备决定角色的水平和战斗能力,因此拥有更高的水平和稀有设备对于整个游戏进行进展至关重要。

Moreover, you should also carry some spare armor when exploring because they can get destroyed if you get hit too many times. Knowing your gear, and crafting better ones regularly should be your priority to become better at Eternal Strands.

9. Get the hang of the movement mechanics

Eternal Strands also features unique movement mechanics with a mix of parkour and nimble maneuvers. With well-implemented physics mechanics , you can jump greater distances based on your momentum or climb better at certain angles.


10. Make use of Mantles

Finally, you should also use your Mantles often like the magical cloak as they help you use unique abilities and gain an edge during combat . While you might be inclined towards saving them for Boss fights, thankfully you don't need to as they aren't destroyed easily.

Apart from that, be on the lookout for similar items and their crafting recipes , since as you progress, you'll find better and better gear. Moreover, these are quite hard to acquire, so again, exploration is your best friend.

For more on Adventure RPGs, check out Ultimate Aloft Beginner's Guide or Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel Beginner's Guide on Pro Game Guides!



