The Spring Festival in Marvel Rivals is here, bringing with it a new mode, and in order to progress in the event's Battle Pass, gamers will have to play it and complete challenges. So, here's how to intercept the ball in Clash of Dancing Lions in Marvel Rivals .
If you're not a sports fan or didn't cut your teeth in Rocket League , the term “interception” may sound strange. Fortunately, you don't need a Sports For Dummies book to figure it out, as all it means is taking the ball away from the opposing team. But while there will be plenty of opportunities to intercept the ball in Clash of Dancing Lions in Marvel Rivals , it's a good idea to know how to put yourself in the best position to do it.
Marvel Rivals ' newest mode features teams of three and asks you and your teammates to work together to score goals.在比赛结束时赢得最多的球队,因此阻止对手得分是比赛的重要组成部分。一种方法是将球拿走,有时说起来容易做起来难。
And that's how to intercept the ball in Clash of Dancing Lions in Marvel Rivals .
漫威竞争对手现已在PS5,PC和Xbox系列X | S上使用。如果您正在寻找我,这是Marvel竞争对手第1季的所有Chronoverse Saga成就以及如何获得他们的成就。