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如何完成Bitlife中的Pucker Mother挑战


Another week means that a new challenge is live in BitLife .尽管任务很简单,但时间至关重要,您需要一点运气。 Here's what you need to know for how to complete the Mother Pucker Challenge in BitLife .


  • BitLife Mother Pucker Challenge Walkthrough
    • 出生的男性
    • 作为邮件运营商工作15年以上
    • 与5个以上的母亲联系,有3个以上的孩子
    • 谋杀自己的母亲

BitLife Mother Pucker挑战演练


  • 出生的男性。
  • 作为邮件运营商工作15年以上。
  • 与5个以上的母亲联系。
  • 有3个以上的孩子。
  • 谋杀自己的母亲。




长大,避免遇到任何法律麻烦。然后,一旦您从高中毕业,就可以进入全职工作清单并寻找邮件运营商。 As long as you don't have a criminal record, you should have no issues getting hired for the job.

If you don't see the job, take any job for money in the meantime and check again after Aging Up. Repeat this process until you're a mail carrier. It took me about three tries to find mail carrier as an available job, but this is largely based on luck. Once you have the job, keep it for at least 15 years, which you can track with the challenge information at the top of your screen.


These two tasks can be done together. Go to Activities > Love > Hook Up and agree to hook up with any option that comes up.您没有告诉您您的钩子是否有孩子,但是如果您每年与多个女性联系几年,则很可能会检查该任务。

此外,选择不在每个连接时使用避孕套。这增加了您生孩子的几率。但是,这也增加了您获得性病的机会,如果幸运的话,您可以通过拜访医生或祈祷来治愈。 Keep hooking up until you mark both tasks off, and you'll probably get the Lustful Ribbon in the process.

Murder Your Own Mother

You want to do this task last, because you run the risk of ending up in prison. This is also why you want the Crime Special Talent to increase your odds of success. When you're ready, go to Activities > Crime > Murder. Pick your mom as the target and then choose your method. If you succeed, the challenge is completed.

Unfortunately, it's possible that your mom could die before you reach a point in your playthrough where you're ready to kill her. In this case, you either need to use Time Travel to go back in time, or you need to start over with a new life and try again.

With that, you're ready to complete the Mother Pucker Challenge in BitLife .作为奖励,您可以挑选一个带有装饰品的箱子,例如帽子或眼镜,可以在您扮演的任何生活中使用。



