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如何在Jujutsu Odyssey Roblox中获取和使用域扩展


Jujutsu Odyssey is one of the much-awaited Roblox releases based around the Jujutsu Kaisen series. Similar to the anime, Domain Expansions are one of the strongest moves that you can have in your arsenal in the game. But, unlocking and using them can be quite confusing, especially for new players. So, here's a complete guide on how to get and use Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Odyssey.

How to get Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Odyssey Roblox

Domain Expansions are one of the strongest, if not the best, offensive moves that you can use in Jujutsu Odyssey. Because of them being overpowered, they cannot be acquired so easily. You can only use Domain Expansions if you get a Legendary Cursed Technique . You can check our guide on how to bet Cursed Techniques to help you get your hands on one.

Currently, the following Domain Expansions are available in Jujutsu Odyssey , and here's all the detail about them:

Domain Expansion被诅咒的技术要求
恶毒神社Shrine (Sukuna Vessel) 12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 120
无限的空隙无限12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 125
铁山的棺材Disaster Flames 12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 78

如果您的被诅咒技术没有域的扩展,您总是可以选择从技能树中解锁像简单域这样的技能,无论诅咒技术如何,该技能都可以使用。 Of course, it won't any of the firepower or flashiness, but it would serve a good defensive purpose.

How to use Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Odyssey Roblox

Now that you know how you can get Domain Expansions, you should also learn how to use Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Odyssey.如前所述,您需要满足某些要求才能首先解锁它们,这涉及一定程度的掌握和技能点。

After that, you need at least half a bar of cursed energy (purple bar) to cast a Domain Expansion move during combat. Just add it to your moveset bar (1 to 4) and press the keybind to activate the Domain Expansion Move.

有关Jujutsu Odyssey的更多信息,请查看如何在Jujutsu Odyssey或Jujutsu Odyssey Trello和Discord Links中获得被诅咒的技术 - Pro Game Game Guide的Roblox!



