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Citizen Sleeper 2的很大一部分正在组装您的船员,以便您可以完成各种合同,因此在本文中,我将进入游戏中所有各种船员的工作。

值得注意的是,虽然通常很明显如何招募某人 - 如果他们要求加入您,请说是 - 在某些情况下,您可能在合同或其他活动期间可能不必表现良好。 Keep in mind that it's possible to lose crew members over the course of the game due to a bad roll or to miss out on someone altogether.

Note: Due to the nature of Citizen Sleeper 2, make sure to leave a comment if you've discovered an alternate way to get a character!

How to Get Every Crew Member in Citizen Sleeper 2

How to Get Serafin and Bliss

The first two party members you'll get are Serafin and Bliss. Although he spends the whole game with your crew, Serafin is generally not available for Contracts. Both he and Bliss are unlocked automatically and do not have any achievements attached to recruiting them.

How to Get Juni

You'll encounter Juni as a temporary crew member on Hexport in Citizen Sleeper 2 . While Juni will temporarily leave the group, you'll be able to recruit them permanently by going to Helion Gate. After you complete the Idle Minds clock at the Solheim Records area, you'll get a cutscene with Juni. Complete the Contract that you get and agree to let Juni come aboard the ship again.

Recruiting Juni unlocks the Data Archaeologist achievement.

How to Get Yu-Jin

在盖亚(Gaia)的Gyre完成了陷入困境的时钟后,您将在远方的主轴上遇到Yu-jin,您可以通过选择“订购垃圾”四次来做到这一点。 This will cost you, in total 16 Cryo. Afterwards, you'll have a chance to talk to Yu-Jin and get a contract from him. When that Contract is finished, you'll be able to recruit him to your team permanently.

Recruiting Yu-Jin unlocks the The Freelancer achievement.

How to Get Luis

During the Aphelion Beacon contract, you'll have the opportunity to leave Yu-Jin behind. If you do so, you'll be able to recruit Luis.

Recruiting Luis unlocks the Signalchaser achievement.

How to Get Kadet

You'll initially encounter Kadet on Far Spindle after completing the Spindle Core clock at the Spindle Core location. This will unlock a new drive and the Stripline Express location on Far Spindle. A new set of options will open up at Stripline Express after the cutscene, so complete those. You'll get another cutscene. When you're able to, go to the Scatteryards, which is in a different part of The belt, to recruit Kadet.

Recruiting Kadet unlocks the The Spindlejack achievement.

How to Get Femi & Nia

Femi and Nia are basically recruited the same way, but you can only choose one of them. You'll get a chance to work with Nia initially on Hexport, where you'll also run into Femi. You'll encounter Femi again on Floatsam, and he'll convince you to take a Contract to make sure that Nia is safe. Finish the Contract, and at the end, you'll get to choose between them.

If you recruit Femi, you'll get the Big Brother achievement. If you recruit Nia, you'll get the Little Sister achievement.

How to Get Flint

第一次去奥利弗拉(Olivera)后,您将获得一份合同,将带您去研究弗林特(Flint)和另一个角色的失踪。 Without spoiling too much, this will lead to another Contract in which you'll have to work fast to prepare a trap for an enemy. When the time comes, make sure you follow Xander to rescue Flint. Succeed at that latter Contract and you'll get the option to bring Flint aboard.

Recruiting Flint unlocks the Fugitive achievement.

And that's how to recruit every crew member in Citizen Sleeper 2 .



