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The Cocktail is one of the most popular potions in any Roblox Pet simulation.由于其描述中没有确切的效果,对于那些想知道是否值得制作的玩家来说,它可能会令人反感。 So, to help you get a better idea, here's what The Cocktail does in Pets GO!


The Cocktail is a Superior-rarity potion in Pets GO! Based on most speculation and community feedback, it is confirmed that The Cocktail boosts every stat by a certain percentage . By every stat, I mean, everything, including your luck, pet damage, coins, loot, you name it, and the Cocktail boosts that stat.

For example, I've observed The Cocktail boost my pet's damage by almost 30% , which makes farming much easier. Even the loot drops are increased, and the chances of you rolling a rare pet also increase . Do note that the effects of The Cocktail potion only last for 30 minutes (1,800 seconds).

How to unlock the cocktail potion in Pets Go!

Now that you have a better idea regarding what The Cocktail does in Pets GO, here are all the steps you need to follow to unlock it:

  • Open the Upgrade interface on the lower right, and unlock Boosts .
  • After Boosts, proceed to unlock the Potions section.
  • Inside Potions, first unlock Tier 2 Lucky Potion.
  • After that, unlock the Tier 3 Lucky Potion.
  • Again, unlock the Tier 4 Lucky Potion.
  • Finally, unlock either the Tier 5 Lucky Potion or the Tier 2 Items Potion.
  • After that, you have the option to unlock The Cocktail.

Do note that unlocking The Cocktail will cost you 50M coin s in Pets GO! Moreover, when you unlock it, you'll get one Cocktail potion for free.

The Cocktail Crafting Recipe in Pets Go!

After you've unlocked The Cocktail, you can start crafting the potion to make more of it.只是 follow the crafting recipe below to make more:

  • 3x Instant Luck Potion III
  • 8x Golden Dice Potion
  • 5x Lucky Potion V
  • 5x Rainbow Dice Potion

Do note that apart from the above items, you'll first have to unlock Potion Crafting to even begin creating potions. Then you can follow the recipe to make The Cocktail potion.

For more on Pets Go!, check out How to get the Abyssal Treasure Chest in PETS GO! or How to get the Reindeer Cat Titanic Pet in PETS GO on Pro Game Guides!



