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The first big Pokemon TCG Pocket event of 2025 is here. Space-Time Smackdown focuses on the Sinnoh region and offers packs with legendaries Dialga and Palkia on the front. However, some players weren't done with other packs. Here's how to open Genetic Apex booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket .

Where To Find Genetic Apex Booster Packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket During Space-Time Smackdown

Following the Pokemon TCG Pocket update on January 30th, 2025, players were excited to dive into everything Space-Time Smackdown had to offer. Unfortunately, the allure disappeared pretty quickly once they realized that Genetic Apex, the set that started it all, was gone.当然,自游戏发布以来,这些背包就已经销售了,但是遗传顶点是游戏中最大的套装,并且它以关东地区为中心,它与许多玩家的心相近和珍贵。

Thankfully, all the fuss was for nothing as Genetix Apex packs are still available in Pokemon TCG Pocket . Here are all of the steps to follow to find them after opening the game:

  • From the pack-opening screen, head to the bottom right and click “Select other booster packs”
  • Select the Genetic Apex set
  • Choose which of the three packs to open

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All Genetic Apex Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Pokemon TCG口袋中的菜单上,Genetix Apex重新回到了集合中所有卡的列表,以便玩家可以弄清楚他们缺少哪些卡:

A1 001 Bulbasaur
A1 002 ivysaur
A1 003 Venusaur
A1 004 Venusaur EX
A1 005 Caterpie
A1 006 Metapod
A1 007无黄油
A1 008杂草
A1 009卡库纳
A1 010 Beedrill
A1 011奇怪
A1 012愁云
A1 013 vileplume
A1 014 Paras
A1 015寄生
A1 016 Venonat
A1 017毒液
A1 018贝尔斯普劳特
A1 019哭泣
A1 020 Victreebel
A1 021 Exeggcute
A1 022 Exeggutor
A1 023 Exeggutor EX
A1 024坦格拉
A1 025 Scyther
A1 026 Pinsir
A1 027棉花
A1 028 Whimsicott
A1 029佩蒂利尔
A1 030 Liligant
A1 031 Skiddo
A1 032 Gogoat
A1 033 Charmander
A1 034 Charmeleon
A1 035 Charizard
A1 036 Charizard Ex
A1 037 vulpix
A1 038九叶
A1 039 Growlithe
A1 040奥犬
A1 041 Arcanine EX
A1 042小马
A1 043 Rapidash
A1 044岩浆
A1 045弗雷恩
A1 046 moltres
A1 047 Moltres EX
A1 048热门
A1 049 Salandit
A1 050 sal
A1 051 Sizzlipede
A1 052中心
A1 053柔软的
A1 054 Wartortle
A1 055 Blastoise
A1 056 Blastoise EX
A1 057 Psyduck
A1 058戈尔克
A1 059 poliwag
A1 060 poliwhirl
A1 061 poliwrath
A1 062 tentacool
A1 063触手
A1 064塞尔
A1 065杜贡
A1 066壳牌
A1 067克洛伊斯特
A1 068克拉比
A1 069金勒
A1 070
A1 071 Seadra
A1 072
A1 073柚子
A1 074 Staryu
A1 075 Starmie
A1 076 Starmie EX
A1 077 Magikarp
A1 078 Gyarados
A1 079拉普拉斯
A1 080 Vaporeon
A1 081 omanyte
A1 082奥马斯塔尔
A1 083 Articuno
A1 084 Articuno Ex
A1 085达克里特
A1 086斯瓦纳
A1 087弗罗基
A1 088 Frogadier
A1 089格林尼亚
A1 090 Pyukumuku
A1 091磨牙
A1 092 Snom
A1 093 Frosmoth
A1 094皮卡丘
A1 095 raichu
A1 096皮卡丘前
A1 097磁石
A1 098 Magneton
A1 099伏尔塔
A1 100电极
A1 101 Electabuzz
A1 102乔尔特恩
A1 103 Zapdos
A1 104 Zapdos Ex
A1 105闪电
A1 106 Zebstrika
A1 107 tynamo
A1 108 Eelektrik
A1 110 Helioptile
A1 111 Heliolisk
A1 112 Pinchurchin
A1 113克利夫里
A1 114可熟
A1 115阿布拉
A1 116 Kadabra
A1 117阿拉卡姆
A1 118慢速
A1 119慢速
A1 120加斯利
A1 121鬼魂
A1 122 Gengar
A1 123 Gengar EX
A1 124 Drowzee
A1 125催眠
A1 126 Mime先生
A1 127 jynx
A1 128 mewtwo
A1 129 Mewtwo Ex
A1 130拉尔特
A1 131基里亚
A1 132 Gardevoir
A1 133 Woobat
A1 134 Swoobat
A1 135 Golett
A1 136戈尔克
A1 137 Sandshrew
A1 138沙斜线
A1 139 Diglett
A1 140 dugtrio
A1 141曼基
A1 142 Primeape
A1 143马赫普
A1 144马可(Machoke)
A1 145马切普
A1 146 Machamp Ex
A1 147 Geodude
A1 148碎石
A1 149魔像
A1 150 onix
A1 151 Cubone
A1 152马洛克
A1 153 Marowak Ex
A1 154希蒙利
A1 155 Hitmonchan
A1 156 Rhyhorn
A1 157 Rhydon
A1 158卡布托
A1 159 kabutops
A1 160 Meinfoo
A1 161元沙
A1 162 Clobbopus
A1 163
A1 164 Ekans
A1 165 Arbok
A1 166 nidoran f
A1 167 Nidorina
A1 168 nidoqueen
A1 169 Nidoran m
A1 170 Nidorino
A1 171 nidoking
A1 172 Zubat
A1 173戈尔巴特
A1 174格里默
A1 175 Muk
A1 176科法
A1 177哭泣
A1 178 Mawile
A1 179 Pawniard
A1 180比沙普
A1 181 Meltan
A1 182梅尔梅尔
A1 183德拉蒂尼
A1 184 Dragonair
A1 185龙派
A1 186皮吉
A1 187 Pidgeotto
A1 188 Pidgeot
A1 189 rattata
A1 190 raticate
A1 191 Spearow
A1 192 fearow
A1 193 Jigglypuff
A1 194 Wigglytuff
A1 195 Wigglytuff EX
A1 196
A1 197波斯语
A1 198 farfetch
A1 199多二
A1 200多德里奥
A1 201利基
A1 202昌西
A1 203 Kangaskhan
A1 204牛角
A1 205同上
A1 206 EEVEE
A1 207 EEVEE
A1 208 EEVEE
A1 209波里贡
A1 210气齿基
A1 211 Snorlax
A1 212 Minccino
A1 213 Cinccino
A1 214羊毛
A1 215 Dubwool
A1 216 Helix Fossil
A1 217 Dome Fossil
A1 218老琥珀
A1 219埃里卡
A1 220蒙蒙
A1 221布莱恩
A1 222科加
A1 223乔瓦尼
A1 224布罗克
A1 225萨布丽娜
A1 226中尉
A1 227 Bulbasaur (Full Art)
A1 228 Gloom (Full Art)
A1 229 Pinsir (Full Art)
A1 230 Charmander (Full Art)
A1 231 Rapidash (Full Art)
A1 232 Squirtle (Full Art)
A1 233 Gyarados (Full Art)
A1 234 Lapras (Full Art)
A1 235 Electrode (Full Art)
A1 236 Alakazam (Full Art)
A1 237 Slowpoke (Full Art)
A1 238 Diglett (Full Art)
A1 239 Cubone (Full Art)
A1 240 Nidoqueen (Full Art)
A1 241 Nidoking (Full Art)
A1 242 Golbat (Full Art)
A1 243 Weezing (Full Art)
A1 244 Dragonite (Full Art)
A1 245 Pidgeot (Full Art)
A1 246 Meowth (Full Art)
A1 247 Ditto (Full Art)
A1 248 Eevee (Full Art)
A1 249 Porygon (Full Art)
A1 250 Snorlax (Full Art)
A1 251 Venusaur EX (Full Art)
A1 252 Exeggutor EX (Full Art)
A1 253 Charizard EX (Full Art)
A1 254 Arcanine EX (Full Art)
A1 255 Moltres EX (Full Art)
A1 256 Blastoise EX (Full Art)
A1 257 Starmie EX (Full Art)
A1 258 Articuno EX (Full Art)
A1 259 Pikachu EX (Full Art)
A1 260 Zapdos EX (Full Art)
A1 261 Gengar EX (Full Art)
A1 262 Mewtwo EX (Full Art)
A1 263 Machamp EX (Full Art)
A1 264 Marowak EX (Full Art)
A1 265 Wigglytuff EX (Full Art)
A1 266 Erika (Full Art)
A1 267 Misty (Full Art)
A1 268 Blaine (Full Art)
A1 269 Koga (Full Art)
A1 270 Giovanni (Full Art)
A1 271 Lt. Surge (Full Art)
A1 272 Moltres EX (Full Art)
A1 273 Articuno EX (Full Art)
A1 274 Zapdos EX (Full Art)
A1 275 Gengar EX (Full Art)
A1 276 Machamp EX (Full Art)
A1 277 Wigglytuff EX (Full Art)
A1 278 Charizard EX (Immersive Art)
A1 279 Pikachu EX (Immersive Art)
A1 280 Mewtwo EX (Immersive Art)
A1 281 Mew (Immersive Art)
A1 282 Charizard EX (Gold Full Art)
A1 283 Pikachu EX (Gold Full Art)
A1 284 Mewtwo EX (Gold Full Art)

How To Open Mythical Island Booster Packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket During Space-Time Smackdown

The same process for opening Genetix Apex booster packs applies to the Mythical Island set, which also left the game's main screen.对于玩家来说,熟悉这些步骤显然很重要,尤其是当Pokemon公司为流行的手机游戏添加越来越多的卡片时。

It's also a good sign that the powers that be don't ever intend to remove packs from the game.当然,玩家群是多年来建立的,如果新玩家无法接触到他们喜欢的口袋妖怪卡片,那将是令人沮丧的,因为他们迟到了聚会。因此,从现在开始,任何希望从任何套装打开包装的人都需要前往“选择其他助推器菜单”以继续寻找这些稀有卡。

And that's how to open Genetix Apex booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket during Space-Time Smackdown. If you're looking for more, here's whether you should open the Dialga or Palkia packs first during the game's latest event.

口袋妖怪TCG Pocketis现在在移动设备上可用。



