Panchang ( Nirnay ) is an ancient Vedic calendar 2024 in a tabulated format
Nirnay , Gujarati Calendar 2024
一个简单的古吉拉特语(印度)日历,具有传统的打印副本外观和感觉,但具有用户互动的额外好处,可以找到有关特定日期的更多详细信息。日历将帮助您找到下一个Ekadashi何时是什么时候,在特定日期的Paksha(SUD,VAD)是什么,何时下一个Poonam是(满月)或下一个Amavasya是什么,而在简单的视觉表示中进行了更多的印度教事件; due to images being used to represent key events, even a person who cannot read Gujarati is able to use the app.
In Vedic timekeeping, a tithi is a lunar day, or the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between the Moon and the Sun to increase by 12°. Tithis begin at varying times of the day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to approximately 26 hours.因此,蒂西是印度年鉴或潘昌最重要的方面之一,因为印度音乐节和仪式是基于此的。印度日历系统基于月球的运动,每个农历年包括十二个月,每个农历年为354天。与我们所有人使用的通常的格鲁吉亚(英语)日历相比,由于格鲁吉亚年份为365¼天,因此几天的数量有所不同,因为它基于太阳能(太阳)系统。 To align the solar year with the lunar year, an additional month is added to the Hindu calendar every 3 years, this additional month is called Adhik Maas (Additional/Extra Month). Each and every second in vedic timekeeping is part of a Muhrat (moment), these can be auspicious or inauspicious depending on nakshatra and tithi (which are also auspicious and inauspicious)… sounds very complicated? It is complicated for most of us; thankfully we have this Nirnay Android App which combines the lunar and solar calendar into an easy to understand format so that we can easily find out when we should celebrate Hindu festivals, when the most auspicious times are for various religious (and non-religious) activities so that we do things at a Muhrat which is good
Features of ( Nirnay ) Gujarati Calendar 2024
-Gujarati calendar contains Choghadiya timings
-Gujarati calendar contains Holidays list 2024
-Gujarati calendar 2024 contains Full month events with date and description