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巴黎是法国的国际大都会首都,有220万人居住在密集(105平方公里)的中央城市,居住在整个大都市地区的近1200万人 - 欧洲最大的集聚之一。巴黎位于该国北部的塞纳河北部,其声誉是所有城市中最美丽,最浪漫,充满了历史性的协会,并且在文化,艺术,时尚,食品和设计领域都具有极大的影响力。它被称为“光明之城”(La VilleLumière)和时尚之都,它是世界上最好,最豪华的时尚设计师和化妆品的家园,例如Chanel No.5号,Christian Dior,Yves Saint-Laurent,Guerlain,Guerlain,Lancôme,Lancôme,L'Oréal,Clarins,Clarins,Clarins,Clarins等。这座城市拥有世界上米其林植物的第二高(仅次于东京),并包含许多标志性的地标,例如世界上访问量最高的旅游景点埃菲尔铁塔,埃菲尔·托里姆普(Arc de Triomphe),巴黎圣母院大教堂,卢弗雷·卢弗雷(Love)博物馆,Moulin Rouge,Lido等,使其成为世界上最受欢迎的旅游界,这是世界上最受欢迎的旅游者的。
The city of Paris enjoys a more or less nice weather all through the year and you can visit the place at about any time. However, it is best that you go during the spring season or the autumn season. These two seasons are the peak tourist seasons due to the simple reason that the weather is at its best at these times. You can avoid extremes of temperatures at these times. During the summer months, particularly in the July-August period, you can avoid the rush of tourists. However, the temperature can be around 90 ° F and can be quite discomforting for you. The summer weather in Paris, along with air pollution, can spoil the fun of your trip to the place. In the winter months, the temperature can drop as low as 30 ° F. In the November – February period, the weather is cold and rainy.
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