Peru - FREE Travel Guide and Map
Travel Peru 2012: Illustrated Guide, Phrasebook & Maps.包括利马,库斯科,马丘比丘,阿雷基帕,伊卡等等。 (Mobi Travel)
MobileReference guides help you get the most out of your vacation. The guides are available for most destinations worldwide and always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3 million MobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.
The world's most popular electronic guides developed for your smartphone have the following features:
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Mobilereference Travel Guides提供了有关景点,地标,交通,文化场所,餐饮,住宿,历史等等的详细实用信息。 They are indexed alphabetically and by category, making it easier to access individual articles.可以在离线GPS地图以及当前位置上查看景点,以便您在探索城市时可以轻松找到附近的景点。
This fully-functional guide is absolutely free.完整版(仅$ 4.99)添加了文本到语音,并扩展了有关景点,历史,文化,行程,短语书等的更多信息。通过文本到语音聆听完整的文章:在单词上进行双敲击,以从所选单词或选择菜单>“启动文本到语音”启动文本到语音。
Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Healthy | Stay Safe | Respect |联系人| Travel in developing countries | Altitude sickness
1. General: History |政府| Demographics | Economy |文化
2. Maps: Peru | Regions | Top Destinations | Lima | Machu Picchu | Cuzco
3. Transport: Get in | Get Around | PeruRail
4. By Area: Regions | Cities | Other Destinations
5. Attractions: Top 10 | Itineraries | See |买
6. Lima: History | Geography | Economy |文化| Eat | Drink | Sleep |保持安全
6.1 Transport: Get In | Get Around
6.2 Attractions: See | Do |购买|体系结构| Parks | Historic Centre
6.3 By Area: Districts |出去
7. Other Top Cities: Arequipa | Ayacucho | Cajamarca | Chiclayo | Cuzco | Ica | Iquitos | Nazca | Puno | Trujillo
8. Other Top Destinations: Chavín de Huántar | Chan Chan | Cordillera Huayhuash | Huaraz | Huascarán National Park | Lake Titicaca | Machu Picchu | Manú National Park | Nazca lines | Paracas National Reservation | Río Abiseo National Park | Sacred Valley of the Incas
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