Points2Shop是最大的免费在线奖励计划之一。您可以通过在线活动(例如完成调查和报价,观看视频,玩游戏,在线购物等)来赚取虚拟积分或现金。 With Points2Shop 's mobile apps you can even earn anywhere you are, whether you are at home or on the go.
******Please do not attempt to create another account if you already have one. Per our T&C, each person is only allowed to have 1 account, ever. Having issues with your account or just want extra help? Sign in at http://www.Points2Shop.com from your home PC or laptop for additional offers, help and support ************
Permission 'GET_ACCOUNT' will be used only in the event that you attempt to sign in using a Google+ plus account.如果您选择以这种方式签名,并且Google要求进行此操作,我们将永远不会与第三方共享您的任何信息。