
听到那个嗡嗡声吗? That's the sound of The 5th National ScienceBee coming your way.

The Science Bee is a competition that fuses all the areas of science together into interactive challenging tasks. In these three entertaining days, our events at the Bee will get you combing your brain for its maximum potential.

This year we have nine, yes NINE amazing modules prepared for you.

The 'MindMaze' will be a science trivia that will have you rummaging your minds for all the scientific knowledge you know.

'Make 'n Test' is sure to bring out the Engineer in you!

You all know how famous the NSS is for its scavenger hunts. So this time we have for you the 'SciRun' to explore the H-12 campus and solve tricky riddles and questions.

'Mathletics' will be the test of a lifetime for all those who consider themselves Mathmagicians.

“ Rube Goldberg Machine Challenge”想知道您是否像我们心爱的表演Tom and Jerry的Tom一样,是否可以使用过于复杂的机器来完成一项简单的任务(不是吗?)。

A debating competition will be held to test your vocal abilities as to how you express and defend your views on topics related to science.


The 'EnviroMoot' wants to know how you aim to solve the impending crisis of environmental degradation.

NUST Science Society is also giving you the opportunity to become a part of Mensa; an exclusive international society consisting people who rank in the top 2% in terms of IQ level.

Of course, after your hard work, we will ensure that our colourful social events give you the right sting of enjoyment you need. “嗡嗡声之夜”将是一种令人着迷的经历,使您充满活力的表演和咸味,“主题晚餐”一定会给您带来一些珍贵的回忆。

So do come and join us for a roller coaster ride to science and delight!








